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Institutional Review Board

Research Involving Human Participants

Any research involving humans or human tissues conducted under the auspices of 365bet must be reviewed by the Austin Peay State University Institutional Review Board (365bet IRB). Research with minimal involvement of human participants, such as surveys or questionnaires, requires some procedural 365bet IRB review. Investigators are required to submit to irb@60fr.com a completed IRB Application. Instructions and an example of an Informed Consent Document are provided under the Applications and Forms section.

In order to ensure that an application will be reviewed at any given meeting, the application should be submitted to IRB at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date so that completeness of the application, training requirements, signatures, and all required supporting documents can be confirmed.

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein