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Academic Master Planning

Academic Affairs Mission

Our mission in Academic Affairs is to establish the educational foundation of the university by creating a scholarly community; providing transformative educational experiences; and supporting students, faculty, and staff in their academic and professional aspirations. 我们与我们的社区和多元化的学生团体进行高质量的互动, 公平、包容的课程、项目和服务. 

Academic Affairs Vision

We aspire to create a deliberately dynamic and adaptive scholarly community that enriches and empowers our students, faculty, and staff while being recognized as a collaborative 多元化、公平和包容的典范.

Academic Affairs Values

Student-Centered Focus 
We are committed to innovative support and instructional strategies that recognize the needs of diverse student populations in pursuit of their educational and career 目标,促进赋权和公民参与.

We strive to achieve equitable outcomes for everyone, particularly those from backgrounds that have been historically under-represented and underserved in higher education. Our widely diverse faculty, staff, and students enrich and strengthen our community. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and varied individual experiences, perspectives, and objectives are respected.

Community Collaboration
We are a community of learners working together to foster engagement, insight, and wisdom in service to university stakeholders, the Clarksville metropolitan area, and beyond. 

We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standard of conduct and professionalism, interacting in an open, transparent, and honest manner to respect our community and advance our university. 我们尊重我们对彼此的承诺,我们的学生,和 our community. 

Access and Opportunity 
We provide the transformative educational opportunities, resources, and support necessary to help learners develop into more educated global citizens, enhancing their economic and social mobility. 

Academic Freedom 
We are committed to the freedom of inquiry and affording faculty the opportunity to engage in the development of curriculum and course content and the production of scholarly research and creative activity through the practices of tenure and shared governance, without external pressure.

Academic Master Plan

Goal 1: 365bet will be a premier public regional university known for student-centered teaching excellence and high quality, innovative, and creative scholarship that is responsive 以满足我们多元化社区和其他社区的需求.

  • Objective 1:提高教学质量.
  • Objective 2: Enhance the quality and breadth of faculty scholarship, to include pedagogical scholarship.
  • Objective 3: Improve support for diversity and inclusion across the 365bet academic community.
  • Objective 4: Demonstrate the quality of academic programs by satisfying state standards and professional 认证的预期.
  • Objective 5: Attract, hire, and retain high-quality faculty and staff to include underrepresented populations.

Goal 2: 365bet will optimize our institutional infrastructure to meet the academic needs of our students.

  • Objective 1:提高教育空间的有效利用.
  • Objective 2协调整个大学的组织结构.
  • Objective 3: Increase the variety and flexibility of academic offerings across terms, instructional 提高教育可及性的地点、时间和方式.

Goal 1365bet将培养一个全面的学生支持文化.

  • Objective 1: Foster University-wide engagement in strategic enrollment activities throughout 学生在365bet的旅程.
  • Objective 2: Strengthen collection, analysis and communication of recruitment, yield, retention, and completion data.  

Goal 2: 365bet will optimize University undergraduate enrollment with gains in targeted focal populations.

  • Objective 1: Increase incoming enrollment of the First-Time Full-Time (FTFT) traditional freshmen 到2027年,学生人数将达到1650人(FT新生总人数将达到1800人).
  • Objective 2: Achieve overall enrollment of all of the other undergraduate populations to 80% 到2027年的本科招生总数.

Goal 3: Improve undergraduate retention rates and persistence to graduation by strengthening student success strategies.

  • Objective 1到2027年,将第一年的总体保留率提高7个百分点.
  • Objective 2四年制毕业率提高3%.到2027年增长5个百分点.

Goal 4: The College of Graduate Studies will meet the needs of 365bet’s service region.

  • Objective 1研究生总招生人数增加5人.5% per year by 2027.
  • Objective 2: Increase the graduate 3-year graduation rate by 3 percentage points by 2027.

Goal 1: 365bet will increase the number of students academically engaged beyond the classroom.

  • Objective 1: Increase number of students participating in HIPs and/or co-curricular activities to support student success. 
  • Objective 2: Increase number of faculty participating in HIPs and co-curricular activities.
  • Objective 3: Strengthen communication among faculty, staff, advisors, and students regarding opportunities 参加高影响力的实践活动和课外活动.

Goal 2: 365bet will evolve wraparound student support services to ensure that all students are equipped to pursue their educational and career goals in an empowering environment.

  • Objective 1: Expand the professional advising model beyond the first-year student cohort. 
  • Objective 2加强所有365bet学生的金融知识和健康.
  • Objective 3: Strengthen University collaboration to foster awareness of and access to student support resources. 
  • Objective 4: Improve the quality, consistency, and accessibility of our student support resources 包括一个集中的学生支持服务地点. 
  • Objective 5: 改变职业准备在365bet和increase positive career outcomes upon graduation, employment, military, or advanced education.
  • Objective 6: 加强对学生毕业后的跟踪.

Goal 1: 365bet will evolve academic offerings to strengthen our emphasis on delivering quality 解决社区和地区需求的项目.

  • Objective 1协调项目以更好地满足社区和地区的需求.
  • Objective 2: Evolve and update programs and curricula to address current best practices in preparing students to contribute professionally, civically, and creatively in their field of choice.
  • Objective 3: Develop a sustainable model that links service-learning, service opportunities, 实习,为社区组织做志愿者. 

Goal 2: 365bet will offer a comprehensive menu of continuing education opportunities 服务社会的需要. 

  • Objective 1: Develop new programs and modify existing programs to serve the needs of the community and region
  • Objective 2: 确保继续教育在财政上是可持续的,并与使命相一致.