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Academic Standing

Your academic standing is essential to your success at Austin Peay State University. We often use this terminology to describe your current position on your path to graduation. Please keep in mind that the information below is subject to change.

Navigation: Academic Notify | Academic Spotlight | Academic Standing Types | Appealing your Academic Suspension | Suspension Appeal Dates | Readmission to the UniversityPASS 0900 

Academic Notify

Academic Notify is a system that Austin Peay State University that is designed to help students understand their current performance in their course. They can receive positive or negative feedback from their professors within this system.

Academic Notify includes:

Want to know more about Academic Notify? Feel free to check out the page below:

Academic Notify

Want to know more about Academic Spotlight? Want to nominate a student, staff, or faculty? Feel free to check out the page below:

Academic Spotlight

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Academic Standing Types

There are several types of academic standing that go on a student's academic record. Review the Academic Bulletin to learn about Academic Standing thresholds.

Academic Standing in 365bet Bulletin

More information on these standing types can be found on their respective pages:

Academic Probation

Academic Suspension

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Appealing your Academic Suspension

If you were placed on Academic Suspension and wish to appeal your suspension, you must have passed the course PASS 0900.

The process can be reviewed below:

Academic Suspension Appeal Process

Austin Peay State University Readmission Process - Post Approved Appeal

Academic Suspension Appeal Dates

Semester to Attend Appeal by Date Committee Decision Date Student/Advisor Notified By
Summer 2024 May 20 May 22 May 24
Student Academic Appeal Form

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If you have entered Academic Probation, you will be required to take PASS 0900. You will be required to take PASS 0900 if it is your first time on Academic Probation. You may be recommended to take the course afterwards if academic performance issues persist.

For more information about PASS 0900 and its curriculum, please see below:

PASS 0900

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